P-05-812 We call for the Welsh Government to encourage trusts to implement the NICE guidelines for Borderline Personality Disorder or justify why they do not do so

This petition was submitted by Keir Harding having collected 812 signatures.

Text of Petition


No Longer A Diagnosis of Exclusion, a document that highlighted the mistreatment of those diagnosed with personality disorder was published in 2003.

The NICE guidelines for Borderline Personality Disorder were published in 2009. 9 years on less than half of Welsh trusts provide services that comply with the guidelines. This compares to 84% of trusts in England.

People with this diagnosis have frequently come from backgrounds of maltreatment, neglect and abuse.
1 in 10 people with this diagnosis will die by suicide.
The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide found that of the 1 in 10 people who ended their lives over the period of their study, none were receiving NICE recommended care.
Experts in the field warn that trusts without specialist services will be over reliant on out of area private treatment. This view was supported by representatives of trusts without specialist services at the Personality Disorder Cymru conference in Cardiff in 2016.

We must to more to support the survivors of abuse who have been let down enough already.
We must do more to protect the Welsh tax payer by providing effective community services rather than expensive out of area placements.

We call for the Welsh Government to direct trusts to implement the NICE guidelines for Borderline Personality Disorder or justify why they do not do so.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Wrexham

·         North Wales